Thursday, June 9, 2011

March of the Vikings

Hi all
So as you might know, my dad's job is in the TV business in Norway. He lives with Mom and I in Florida most of the time, but he frequently flies up to Norway to work. So every summer, Mom and I fly up to Norway for a month and a half. I am actually typing this blog post to you from Norway right now!

Grizzleheim is also modeled after Norway's forests and such, and I must say, KingsIsle did a great job! Savarstaad Pass actually reminded me of the woods here.

On the downside, Norway is 6 hours ahead of EST time, and 9 hours ahead of WST (?) or Cali time. The time difference will make it difficult to hang out with in-game buddies, but I guess changes can be made for when I play. Just wanted to bring that to notice. Another downside is the KI makes their maintenance times at like 4 in the morning Cali time, so I can't go on W101 in the morning or afternoon. /: Oh well haha. Guess I'll just camp out in WizzyCentral!


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