Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tennis Anyone?

Just a quick blog to tell you about an exciting afternoon JR Blogger and SR Blogger had watching tennis.

Two brothers...the Bryan Brothers played doubles and defeated their opponents in two sets. These two tennis champions are not only brothers but are identical twins! Add to that they are the number one doubles team in the WORLD ! It was a great match and we really enjoyed seeing them play. After the match JR Blogger asked them to sign a book that their dad wrote. Both brothers were so happy to see the book and gladly signed it for JR Blogger.
These two brothers are not only the best doubles players in the world they are also really nice guys. They showed us that you can be the very best at something and also be very very nice to people. I'll post some more pictures later but wanted to share this exciting event with you here on My2Cents. Have a great day everyone!
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blogging Software Test for Mac?

Hi all our faithful blog is SR Blogger once again.  This is a test of the software that Firefox has for posting to blogs.  I am trying it again as a test.  I apologize for filling our post with these tests...but JR Blogger and I are trying to get our blog to the next "level" and make it better and more interesting for you our loyal followers.  I will try and make this post of interest as well as a test.  But that will be your judgement :)

The picture you see here is of the Norwegian Parliament building in Oslo. You can see there is quite a lot of snow on the ground today.  The temperature is 3 degrees Fahrenheit or about -16 Celsius!  Now to me that is cold but then that's just My2Cents worth of thinking.  Thanks for allowing us to test...we hope to keep improving our blog and we appreciate your visiting.  Have a great day.  SR Blogger

Windows Live Writer Test Blog

Good Morning Jr. Blogger and all those who follow our blog…My2Cents.  This is a “test” post to determine the value of the Windows Live Writer software for blogging.  This is SR Blogger testing the software.  Our desire is to be able to use photos and text in a more manageable way.  Sorry to “test” this out on you all !  I know it is not a post about Wizards or really anything of value…but then again it is something we are thinking about AND that is the purpose of the My2Cents blog. 

 ihonepix 003

WOW, so far I like the way we can adjust the size and shape of photos.  It is quite easy to bring the photos from our albums into the post. For your information the picture above is from JR Blogger.  The “Lego” construction was a home fun project he made.  Our family LOVES legos.  Again, thanks for allowing us to do these “test” posts with the new software for PC.  Now I have to find a good blogging software for the MAC computer.  This all looks like it will work but then again that's just My2Cents on the subject.  Have a great day where ever you are!  We really appreciate your comments and that you follow our blog.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Flash Back To Earlier Post...

Hi, It's SR Blogger again. I thought it might be helpful to post the pictures from earlier posts about discovering the "Ice Sculpture". It really is a powerful statement by the good Norwegian people who always try to help those less fortunate and in times of difficulty. We should all try and do that but then again that's MY2Cents. Enjoy your day.
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Red Flying Saucer or what??


Hi, this is SR Blogger. Some of the followers of MY2Cents may remember a post I made a few weeks ago. A mystery building made entirely of ice blocks was constructed in the shadow of the Nobel Peace Prize building in Oslo, Norway. After investigating the ice structure you know that I discovered it was built to call attention to the terrible earthquake that caused so much devastation and suffering in Haiti. I learned today that the ice building is still standing and in fact has not melted one bit! AND...inside I found this bright red object. I didn't know what it was at first but upon closer examination I found that it is a collection capsule. People are encouraged to donate some Norwegian money for the people of Haiti. By the way Norwegian money is name Kroner...or CROWNS !!! Hey, maybe this is where the Wizard101 crowns originate! :) It was nice to see the ice sculpture still standing to remind us all that those suffering people in Haiti are still having a rough time of it. I hope we all can do something to help them. I know that seeing this ice building certainly reminded me of their plight. That's My2Cents about it. Have a great weekend everyone. See you in the Spiral.

I Believe I Can Fly!


*Yawn* Good morning,
I'm really wiped out today. Last night, I had 2 hours of tennis, and then I stayed for another hour to watch John McEnroe, the famous, but sadly retired tennis player play some charity matches. *Flies in the air* How did I do that, you ask? Recently, KingsIsle have released the new mounts we have all been waiting for! Seraph wings, Bat Wings, new wands, swords, staffs, CROWN GEAR, could it get any better? Valkoor, my infamous Myth noob gave himself a belated birthday present, the Seraph wings! With +40% Speed, these new mounts are a force to be reckoned with. Well, that's all for now! *Flies away* WOOTz!
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Just Dance!

To kick it off, I'd like to pay a little tribute to one of the most creative bloggers ever, Amber Stargem. Her blog, the Myth Master, was probably one of the most visited and loved blogs among the W101 Blogging Community. Sadly, Amber has quit blogging. Good luck with whatever you do now, Amber!

Next, like the title states, JUST DANCE! *Sings Lady GaGa or whoever* *Crowd throws tomatoes and whatnot at me* Okay, okay, sorry! I knew I was bad, but not that bad!!! In my little WC cottage, I have been experimenting with the housing bugs, and finally, after long waiting, I have discovered my own! Using a chess board and small rug, and using some "magic" I created a dance floor! My secret, you ask? Sorry, that is highly CONFIDENTIAL. My apologies. . . The thing is, actually, after I completed creating my first few dance floors, I totally forgot how to do it. Trust me, if I remembered, you guys would be the 1st people I would tell it to! No lie! Below you may observe my SICK dancing moves, which were asissted by Lady Rocky and Sally. Just Dance!



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Tuesday, February 9, 2010



Good evening,

While hosting a "party" with Samantha Thunderdust, Dustin Mooncatcher, Donna Spellthorn, and numerous other wizards and witches, I finally discovered the rare Unicorn hallucination! This unicorn, which only may appear in the Small WC Cottage, is the topic of many threads in W101C. Apparently, the unicorn only appears for 10-15 seconds at a time, and only when the owner has been in his/her cottage for a while. Teasing Dustin, I announced that his Black Stallion Mount might actually have the chance to go on a date with the Unicorn, which I named Penelope. peh-nell-uh-pi Is how it is pronounced. I hope that all of you who own a WC Cottage, will not sell our cute, little, cheap, cottage because of this SICK glitch/bug. Happy unicorn hunting, as Voldemort from Harry Potter would say! (Just kidding Penelope!)

-Jr Blogger
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tribal Trouble 2

Good morning,
Sorry I haven't been posting lately. The Writing FCAT is next Tuesday, so I have been writing my heart out for the past few days. The master reason why my buddy Paul Frosttamer and I even played W101 was so that we could communicate through text chat, but now that Paul has become tired of W101, we thought it would be a good time to try out some new, young MMORPG's.

Tribal Trouble 2 is a Viking-related adventure, where you command your armies to deal war against other Chieftains, or NPC's. It is quite exciting! You may make a new account @: I hope you enjoy! "Will I continue with W101?" you ask? Of course I will! I just won't be on as often anymore. Good luck plundering, stealing, and robbing! Or as the Vikings say it, fun!!
-Jr Blogger/ Ivar the Invincible/ Chase Willowweaver/ Valkoor Willowweaver

Monday, February 1, 2010

Valkoor's new Outfits, Inspired by Donna Spellthorn


Good afternoon,
Like the title states, this post will be mainly about Valkoor's new just-for-show outfits. Up above you see Valkoors battle hardened+PvP street gear, which I dyed for visual affect. Down below you see Valkoor's party outfit, which I dyed again for visual affect. For those of you who do not own a party hat, I recieved the code for it when W101 recieved 5,000,000 players. I hope you will all leave comments containing what you think Valkoor's next outfit should look like! (Gold is of no concern for me) More outfits coming soon.

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