Sunday, February 21, 2010

Windows Live Writer Test Blog

Good Morning Jr. Blogger and all those who follow our blog…My2Cents.  This is a “test” post to determine the value of the Windows Live Writer software for blogging.  This is SR Blogger testing the software.  Our desire is to be able to use photos and text in a more manageable way.  Sorry to “test” this out on you all !  I know it is not a post about Wizards or really anything of value…but then again it is something we are thinking about AND that is the purpose of the My2Cents blog. 

 ihonepix 003

WOW, so far I like the way we can adjust the size and shape of photos.  It is quite easy to bring the photos from our albums into the post. For your information the picture above is from JR Blogger.  The “Lego” construction was a home fun project he made.  Our family LOVES legos.  Again, thanks for allowing us to do these “test” posts with the new software for PC.  Now I have to find a good blogging software for the MAC computer.  This all looks like it will work but then again that's just My2Cents on the subject.  Have a great day where ever you are!  We really appreciate your comments and that you follow our blog.

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