Friday, December 4, 2009

Nice Job With the Balance Crib, KI!

Hey everybody!
This morning, before it was time to leave for school, I decided to log into the Test Realm and check out the new updates: School themed houses! Pictured above, observe the pair of Judgements welcoming my Myth character, Valkoor WillowWeaver. Valkoor will be our model for all Test Realm pictures. Also in pictured, notice that the update included enlarging the numbers in the Health Globe, along with the Mana Ball. I finished checking up on the Balance House, which was about IMPOSSIBLE to enter for some unknown reason. (I couldn't find the door, hehe!) I'll go log in a few minutes to take some more screen shots of the new School Themed Houses! See you in the Spiral!
-Valkoor/Chase WillowWeaver
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