Welcome to My2Cents. This is a kid-friendly site, so please refrain from inappropriate language, posting inappropriate pictures, videos, etc. We appreciate your cooperation! Please enjoy....
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Valkoor WillowWeaver, PvP Legend!
Happy New Year's Eve! To kick things off, I would like to wish all of you a prosperous 2010, and I hope you had a fantastic 2009. Pictured above you see my Myth character, Valkoor, who was also our School House Tour Guide. Let me teach you some history about the WillowWeaver family. Chase, was the first character I, Jr Blogger ever created. My W101 career all began when I was watching TV on a Saturday morning with Sr Blogger. Suddenly, a W101 commercial is blaring on our 42" Flat screen TV. I had always been a hard core Nintendo DS player, and I thought that maybe it was time to move on to an MMO.
"Hey dad, do you think I could try that game?," I asked timidly. "Sure, it looks okay, " Sr Blogger kindly replied. Walking over to our computer, I hesitated about trying my first MMO. Is it safe? Is it a waste of time? None of my friends do it. Hmm. Let us cut close to the chase. I made my account, took the school quiz, became a Sorcerer, and named my 1st character, Chase WillowWeaver.
Quickly learning the way of Wizardry, I instantly fell in love with W101. I quested for a bit, and then went over to my friend's house. "Hey dude, I just started plaything this SICK game called Wizard 101", I told my best friend. "Oh yeah, I looked a little at that thing", he replied. In the blink of an eye, we were sat down at the computer, making my best friend's character, Paul FrostTamer, a student of Ice. We quested together, until it was time for me to go home.
When I first got Text Chat on Chase, I learned that there was a dueling system called PvP, and that my school, Balance was supposedly BRILLIANT at it. For the first time in my life, I walked over to Diego the DuelMaster, and began my PvP career. Paul FrostTamer and I, being both in KT, decided to 2v2 a bit. We won, lost, and lost some more. Although we were both measely Privates, we enjoyed ourselves. That summer, I PvP-ed all the time, and raised myself to the rank of Veteran. I insantly found a block at that rank, and could not raise myself even by the slightest amount of rank points.
Being a total PvP addict, I learned that the lower the level, the easier it is to PvP. Soooooo, I made a Myth Noob! That's how our friend, Valkoor WillowWeaver, came into action. PvP-ing with Valkoor was much easier than playing with Chase, and I eventually, got to the rank of Veteran. Once again, I found a block at that rank, and decided to look on W101 Central for a Forum in which I could find a unique tactic. Looking at the PvP ladders, I saw that one wizard, with the name of "Dapangrulez", was a fantastic dueler. I clicked their user page, and decided to look at a screen shot album of their fantastic duelers. I skimmed through the album, until I saw a level 10, Conjurer in full Commander gear, and the rank of OVER LORD!
After I commented on the picture, the next week I recieved a reply from Dapangrulez. "Always take out your minion, and if your minion dies, take out another one", was his advice. Deciding to take a shot at the tactic, I logged onto my account and PvP-ed with Valkoor. Quickly, I saw that Dapangrulez's tactic was perfect. Using that tactic, I brought Valkoor WillowWeaver, the noob Conjurer, to the rank of Captain, and a 9 match win streak! Lastly, I'd like to thank Dapangrulez for his fantastic advice, and I'd like to congratulate Valkoor, the PvP Noob Legend! ! ! ! ;-)
-Jr Blogger
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Royal Wizard !!
JR Blogger and SR Blogger and some of our friends went out on a local "safari". We didn't go to Africa but a location not too far from home. If you guessed Disney World you win the 5,000 golden crowns. Even though our "safari" was close to home and not in the true wilds of Africa we had a great adventure. The wonderful animals we got to see were not in cages but allowed to roam free within the enclosures that Disney has built at the Animal Kingdom park. I say they roam "free" but of course there are limitations for the animals. I do think that all of the animals we saw were really healthy looking and seemed at peace with their surroundings. While they were not roaming on the Serengeti plain or in the rain forests of Uganda or Congo as their ancestors had done they still seemed quite content. But, who really knows what is going on in their mind? They are after all "wild" animals and probably would rather be in the "wild" instead of Disney World. This great great GREAT Silverback gorilla is the leader of a family of gorillas that we saw. I just could not believe how majestic and grand he looked. His strength is incredible and as you can see from the picture he is keeping an eye on his domain. Still I am sure he would rather be some where other than Disney World. But that's just My2Cents on the subject.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Poll Results!
Good morning,
Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I (Jr Blogger here) am on a little Winter vacation with my grandparents and parents. Soon, my good friend Connor WildSpear will be coming to play with us! We're renting a town house. I'm writing to you now from Sr Blogger's Mac Book, which I cannot play W101 on. As a result, I've been posting on W101 Central, and surfing cool blogs for an ETERNITY.
Now, to the Poll. Recently, I decided to change the template of My 2Cents, in hopes to add a little flare and atmosphere to our blog. I added a poll, with four possible answers.
1. Woot, I love it!
2. Not for my life!
3. Um, I'm not gonna answer that question.
And, drum roll please, we have in 1st place, Woot I love it! with 8 votes!
In 2nd place, we have: Um, I'm not gonna answer that question, with 1 vote!
Finally, tied for 3rd place, we have *SOBS* CHANGE IT BACK! along with: Not for my life!
I'd like to thank all of our fantastic voters and readers for giving us their valued opinion, which without it, this blog would be nothing.
Thanks, Jr Blogger
Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I (Jr Blogger here) am on a little Winter vacation with my grandparents and parents. Soon, my good friend Connor WildSpear will be coming to play with us! We're renting a town house. I'm writing to you now from Sr Blogger's Mac Book, which I cannot play W101 on. As a result, I've been posting on W101 Central, and surfing cool blogs for an ETERNITY.
Now, to the Poll. Recently, I decided to change the template of My 2Cents, in hopes to add a little flare and atmosphere to our blog. I added a poll, with four possible answers.
1. Woot, I love it!
2. Not for my life!
3. Um, I'm not gonna answer that question.
And, drum roll please, we have in 1st place, Woot I love it! with 8 votes!
In 2nd place, we have: Um, I'm not gonna answer that question, with 1 vote!
Finally, tied for 3rd place, we have *SOBS* CHANGE IT BACK! along with: Not for my life!
I'd like to thank all of our fantastic voters and readers for giving us their valued opinion, which without it, this blog would be nothing.
Thanks, Jr Blogger
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, as I did! Above, you see an ancient, Krokotopian Artifact, that I discovered while questing for the Obsidian Chests. It apparently was buried by sand, and then re-discovered by the genius MarleyBone archeologists. Something, green is stuck in it's right nostril! Ewww! It's a, it's a, it's a--ACHOO! I think it might be a booger! Is it a booger? Is it a gem? Is it a POPSICLE? The world may never know. . .
A bewildered Jr. Blogger
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Happy holidays!
First of all, we'd like THANK all of our fantastic readers for such a productive year! I hope all of you, good or bad, received something other than coal from Santa Claus! This year, I received a MOUNTAIN of gifts from family and of course, Santa, including:
1. Two Gift Cards for Supportive WildClaws, and 20,000 crowns!
2. A kick-off tee to enhance my football kicking
3. An Amazon Kindle. (I've wanted it all year)
4. The Lego Star Wars Book
5. Lego Atlantis, and Lego Starwars sets
6. The Duck Hunter Game
7. Republic Heroes, and Wii Sports Resort for the Wii
8. A "Sky-ball" which supposedly bounces up to heights of 75 feet!
9. An, Everything Flies set, which houses many different types of flying machines
10. Guiness Books of World Records 2010!
11. A CD of the Beatles songs! I absolutely love the song: StrawBerry Fields Forever!
12. A Betta Fish! I named him Prince ;)
13. Clothes for my stuffed animal, Chippy the Monkey
14. Sets of card board pieces that you use to build items
15. A little tree ornament from my parents that pictures me holding my Tennis racket!
16. A "Find it" Game in which you look for things inside of a plastic filled tube
17. The Eye-Clops
18. Magnetic Crossword puzzles
19. Fiki finger football
20. Love from my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope all of you guys loved your gifts as much as I did, and Happy Holidays from the My2Cents Family!!! -Chase
First of all, we'd like THANK all of our fantastic readers for such a productive year! I hope all of you, good or bad, received something other than coal from Santa Claus! This year, I received a MOUNTAIN of gifts from family and of course, Santa, including:
1. Two Gift Cards for Supportive WildClaws, and 20,000 crowns!
2. A kick-off tee to enhance my football kicking
3. An Amazon Kindle. (I've wanted it all year)
4. The Lego Star Wars Book
5. Lego Atlantis, and Lego Starwars sets
6. The Duck Hunter Game
7. Republic Heroes, and Wii Sports Resort for the Wii
8. A "Sky-ball" which supposedly bounces up to heights of 75 feet!
9. An, Everything Flies set, which houses many different types of flying machines
10. Guiness Books of World Records 2010!
11. A CD of the Beatles songs! I absolutely love the song: StrawBerry Fields Forever!
12. A Betta Fish! I named him Prince ;)
13. Clothes for my stuffed animal, Chippy the Monkey
14. Sets of card board pieces that you use to build items
15. A little tree ornament from my parents that pictures me holding my Tennis racket!
16. A "Find it" Game in which you look for things inside of a plastic filled tube
17. The Eye-Clops
18. Magnetic Crossword puzzles
19. Fiki finger football
20. Love from my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope all of you guys loved your gifts as much as I did, and Happy Holidays from the My2Cents Family!!! -Chase
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Level 1 Commander!?!?
Good morning! Or, God Morgen, as they say in the frozen north!
Hooray, Sr. Blogger is back home for the holidays! Recently, Sr. Blogger's flight back home was cancelled because of heavy snow on the runway. Anyway, the other day, I was PvP-ing on Chase, my Balance Captain, when I heard a commotion near the Practice Arena. "I Bolt, Bolt, and then Kraken, doh!" was screamed by an over-powered Novice! This little Theurgist, with the name of Chris Griffin, was clad in an Elegant Set of Elegant clothes. But, the boots he wore, seemed to stand out, and draw large attention. For, when I clicked on his avatar, and looked at his statistics, I was amazed to see that he wore Arena boots, but not just any Arena boots, the famed, FootGear of the Imdomitable! Large resist, large strength, and even accuracy, these boots are a must-have for all Arena Duelers. Apparently, this Novice gained his rank, and gear by Wild Bolting, and Kraken-ing! Is Wild Bolt fair for a Novice to wield? No, I should think. Although his chain-bolting, I praise Chris Griffin for his strength in battle, and his AWESOME BOOTS! -Chase
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Test Post

A Little Change of Heart
Good evening!
As you might have observed, we have had a major change in the look of out blog! What, you ask? Well, I decided to change the template! Understand, that Sr. Blogger and I, have had the same Template, Scribe, ever since we started our blog, which was about 3 months ago. We have decided that, like us, our readers are probably tired of the same, brown, Scribe-ish look of our blog. We'd like to think outside of the box, and brighten things up a bit, so our little creation will always be a sight for sore eyes. I hope you like it!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
New Crown Gear?
Good morning,
The meaning of this post was to inform you that, while I was hanging out with Dustin MoonCatcher of Wizard 101 info, I discovered new Crown Gear! Due to great haste to take my screen shot, I forgot to click on the brand-new Headdress of the Heavens! Apparently, it will give 6% Resist, 3% Power Pips, 90 health, 2 accuracy, 3% tough, and the Meteor Strike spell! Unfortunately, I tried to inform Dustin of the new update, but he was unable to see the Headdress in the Crown Shop! Am I the only one, or are there others? Please post a comment if your wizard has also seen the new update. -JR. Blogger
Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW !

Greetings from the frozen North! This is Sr. Blogger writing from close to the North Pole. Yes, that's right I am in Norway. Home of the Vikings and great and adventrous people. What is Sr. blogger doing here you ask? Well, truth be told I am stuck in the airport. As you can see by the picture above the weather is a bit "white"...snow that is. The temperature is -18c which converts to about -. 5 degrees F. Now add in some wind and you have a temperature of about 15 degrees below zero, yes ZERO. Now Wizard 101 friends that is cold. If I had to do battle against Chase WillowWeaver in this weather I would surely lose.
However, I'm going to look on the bright side of this. I am heading home for Christmas. I will see Chase WillowWeaver and the weather HAS to be warmer than it is here in Norway! So, no problems, no complaints just life as it is dealt to us. Who can do anything about the weather anyway?
They just had a big conference in Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss "global warming". I don't know if they solved any of the issues they discussed but the good news is that at very least the world is "discussing" things. For so many years so few countries wanted to discuss anything. Each country thought they had the answers to all the problems. Well, we know from our Wizard 101 challenges and battles that quite often we need a little H E L P ! from someone else. The people of Norway are good people. They like to help other people and nations. The people in Norway have the right idea about life and living. That is to enjoy it but also think of others and offer a helping hand if someone needs it.
Like the battle in Wizard 101...sometimes you just can't do it all by yourself! Well, anyway that's just My2Cents worth of thinking. Ok?
I wish all who follow this blog...and even those who don't know it exists (YET!) a very Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and wonderful and sharing New Year! Wow...2010.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Ranks Reset! Why, Oh Why?!
Ranks are getting reset! I was informed of this dreadful news when I was hanging around in the Arena. Something you may not know about me, PvP is the biggest reason I play Wizard 101.
I was hanging around the Arena, when I was informed that the ranks would be reset. It all began when I met a certain Wizard, (Who's name I shan't mention). He was, a Storm GrandMaster, dressed in full Commander Gear, and a fabolous FireZilla by his side. Purple was his gears' main color, with white as its' trim. This Wizard's voice had a commanding air, as his tone was deep and meaningful. There seemed to be a commotion near the Ranked side of the Arena Lobby. "Ranks are getting reset!" "Ranks are getting reset!" "Let's go on stirke!" "WHY!?", was all that could be heard over the loud stomping of iron boots. Around this Wizard was a crowd of young and daring, PvP duelists, questioning tomorrow's update, including I.
Apparently, our hard earned ranks are going to be reset due to new PvP WarLord armor coming out. This powerful armor apparently will arm the Wizard with a staggering 60% Resist. Is this too high? Is this fair? Is this reasonable!!!!!!!! It was an outrage! 60%! 46% was enough already! The Wizard, seemed to have inside information from KingsIsle, his source shan't be mentioned. Above, you see my profile, before it all leaves my wizard.
Ranked Matches: 159
Ranked Wins: 95
Ranked Losses: 64
Ranked Rating: Captain (736)
Earlier that day, my Ranked Rating was 770! Now, it's all going away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE IRONY!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE RANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luckily, we will all have a chance to recuperate and regain our ranks, if we still choose to play this game. The last thing I would like to say is, Although we may have our hard earned ranks reset, we have not completely confirmed that the ranks truthfully are going to be reset. Let us hope that our ranks may stay as is, for a while longer. -Captain Chase WillowWeaver
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! (Or Happy Hanukkah!)
"We wish we you merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we WISH you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW year!" That line pretty much says it all. Us bloggers at My2cents would like all of our readers to enjoy a fun-filled holiday break, and a prosperous New Year! 2010, oh my! Does anybody here REALLY think that our wolrd is at it's end in 2012? This family of bloggers doesn't! Above you observe Chase and Sally's Christmas picture! (Chase is the wizard on top of the Lioness) (Sally is the Lioness underneath the wizard) (Not pictured, Maximus the Ghoul) Sorry Maximus! I'll make another post just for you, soon! Until then, Happy Holidays!
-All of the family
Monday, December 14, 2009
Poll Results!
Good evening,
Just that last week, I created my own Poll! Well, Sr. Blogger and I, have recieved the final results of the poll! As you might have noticed, we got a whopping 12 votes! Bravo, bravo, if I do say so, myself. And, the final, final, final, results are the following:
Myth 2%
Life 2%
Balance 3%
Storm 1%
Fire 2%
Ice 1%
And, we have Balance for 1st place! *Hands myself a grand trophy* "I'd like to thank all of our voters, including me, me, and maybe, me." Tied for second we have: Myth, Life, and Fire! Great job! *Hands myself another trophy* Last, but not least, we have Storm, Ice, and Death tied for 3rd. Great job all, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Also, before posting I visited the Friendly Necromancer, which is a fantastic Wizard 101 Fansite. Apparently, Friendly stated that Christmas was back in WC! Yay! This is my very first Wizard 101 Christmas! Felix Navidad is back in town, also! "We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, SOOO bring us some figgy pudding, so bring us some figgy pudding, and bring it out here!" Thank you, thank you. That's all tonight folks, next I might have a post about what I'm trying to dig out of that patch of GOLDEN STRAW that I found in an earlier post! -JR. Blogger
Just that last week, I created my own Poll! Well, Sr. Blogger and I, have recieved the final results of the poll! As you might have noticed, we got a whopping 12 votes! Bravo, bravo, if I do say so, myself. And, the final, final, final, results are the following:
Myth 2%
Life 2%
Balance 3%
Storm 1%
Fire 2%
Ice 1%
And, we have Balance for 1st place! *Hands myself a grand trophy* "I'd like to thank all of our voters, including me, me, and maybe, me." Tied for second we have: Myth, Life, and Fire! Great job! *Hands myself another trophy* Last, but not least, we have Storm, Ice, and Death tied for 3rd. Great job all, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Also, before posting I visited the Friendly Necromancer, which is a fantastic Wizard 101 Fansite. Apparently, Friendly stated that Christmas was back in WC! Yay! This is my very first Wizard 101 Christmas! Felix Navidad is back in town, also! "We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, SOOO bring us some figgy pudding, so bring us some figgy pudding, and bring it out here!" Thank you, thank you. That's all tonight folks, next I might have a post about what I'm trying to dig out of that patch of GOLDEN STRAW that I found in an earlier post! -JR. Blogger
Thursday, December 10, 2009
JR. Blogger's First Cropping of a Pic!

Once again, due to some random problem, I am stuck typing in the middle of the post. Oh well .... But, I'd like to introduce my first picture cropping to you! Ta-da! Above, notice that I took a picture of the grass, and then loaded it into Picasa 3. Then, all my myself, I added a bunch of shadow, but chose a specific spot to brighten up with a touch of gold. Maybe there's something beneath that little pile of golden straw/grass. Stay tuned if you would like to see what amazing wonder is under our camera lense . . .
Friday, December 4, 2009
New Wizard Level...or ?????
I was working my way up the Sprial and discovered this new and incredible bridge! Just kidding. I have been reading JR. Blogger's posts here and find it so interesting when he discusses the various levels and challenges he encounters on Wizard101. I really like the screen shots that are posted of the various levels. I started wondering where these very creative game designers get their great ideas. I don't think you can be "taught" (like in a school) how to visualize such interesting and colorful creations. I thought "you just have to have a good "creative" eye for this type of work". However, I continued to wonder where the inspiration came from for these designers. Then by chance I took a trip to downtown Miami for a business meeting today. As I drove along the roadway I began to marvel at the beautiful architecture of the building, and the entire city skyline with tall building of glass and concret. Lots of palm trees and gumbo limbo trees lined the streets. I drove further into town and had to cross the bridge you see in the picture posted above. A great deal of light was reflecting off the water. The water colors were blue and yellow with streaks of red from the car lights. The sun was behind a veil of dark clouds and gave a yellowish glow to everything. Suddenly this simple bridge and a city skyline became much more than cement and steel and light. It reminded me immediately of one of JR. bloggers screen shots from Wizard101. For one brief moment I felt like I WAS RIGHT IN THE GAME!
Now I believe that the great designers of the Wizard101 game can get their inspiration from all around. From a bridge with unique lights to palm trees in the moonlight or maybe even a lizard running up a wall. These designers are probably very observant. I think this is a good thing. We are all so busy these days with school, work, music lessons, soccer or tennis matches and of course playing Wizard101 that maybe, just maybe we don't take a little time to look around us at our world and see the beauty and specialness of our great and wonderful planet EARTH! I am glad that JR. Blogger posted those screen shots. They got me thinking...and that thinking got me to see a little more of the world around me. I'm going to end this post and look out the window at the real world around me. I hope you will too. But that's just MY2Cents !
Myth House!
Now it's time for, drumroll please, The Mighty Myth House! Bravo! **Clap* I have to say, the Myth House might have been my all time favorite School Themed Castle! Above you see Valkoor standing on a floating rainbow, singing the famous song: Somewhere, Over the Rainbow, from the Wizard of Oz. Unforunately, none of us seem to know any other lines, other than: "Somewhere, over the rainbow." :-) This small rainbow might have been my favorite part of the Myth Castle because of the beautiful color. The colors seem to perfectly blend in together, creating an almost natural effect. Great job KI Color People!
Storm House, Land Ahoy!
Hi everybody,
Here's yet another great picture I took of the marvelous Storm Mansion! Above you see our Test Realm Guide, Valkoor, posing in front of a lighthouse tipped with a Mighty Triton, who is looking off into the horizon. In the sky notice that it seems to be quite a "stormy" day, and I feel that the mood of the sky highly mirrors that of a real Storm Wizard. Just my opinion, of course. Once again, I recommend exploring the Storm House on the Test Realm, or when it comes out on the live Realm!
-Chase WillowWeaver
Storm House!
Hey everybody,
Pictured above you see the highlight of my marvelous journey to the epic Storm House, an aquarium! Filled with lots of different Storm School related creatures, I have heard that the aquarium houses Storm Sharks, piranha like things, and possibly more. I highly recommend taking a peek at the Storm-Themed Castle when you log into the Test Realm. I took numerous pictures of all school themed houses, and they will be posted later on. Stay tuned!
-Valkoor WillowWeaver/Chase WillowWeaver
Nice Job With the Balance Crib, KI!
Hey everybody!
This morning, before it was time to leave for school, I decided to log into the Test Realm and check out the new updates: School themed houses! Pictured above, observe the pair of Judgements welcoming my Myth character, Valkoor WillowWeaver. Valkoor will be our model for all Test Realm pictures. Also in pictured, notice that the update included enlarging the numbers in the Health Globe, along with the Mana Ball. I finished checking up on the Balance House, which was about IMPOSSIBLE to enter for some unknown reason. (I couldn't find the door, hehe!) I'll go log in a few minutes to take some more screen shots of the new School Themed Houses! See you in the Spiral!
-Valkoor/Chase WillowWeaver
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Pyromancer's Tomb; Tower Chronicles #3

My Wraith ripping up the War Wyrm!
Due to some weird bug, or my novice computer skills, all the text is stuck in the middle! :) That's okay, though.
So here's the story: I'm on Chase, recieving the quest by Cyrus Drake to recieve the Fire Medallion from the Pyromancer's Tomb. None of my buddies were on, so I decided to tough it out, and attempted to solo the dreaded, Pyromancer's Tomb. I made it all the way to the final boss, but it was time for me to get off. 4 more minutes was all I had. I'm about to boost up my Judgement when . . . . time's up. Not wanting to get into trouble, I logged off using the ESC trick.
Later in the day, my friends, Patrick BearHammer, and Cody something-or-other. (Sorry Cody, I'll make a comment with your full name later! I totally spaced out on Wiz 101 Names today) I literally BEGGED Cody and Patrick to help me with the Tomb. Eventually, the 2 of them gave in to my pleas, and agreed to help. Cody whazizname, Patrick BearHammer, and I, set off to complete the dreaded tower.
Finally, at the last stage of the tower, it was up to Cody, Patrick, and me, to defeat the evil boss, (Who's name AGAIN has escaped my mind!) Pictured above you see my vicious Wraith ripping up the bosses minion, a Balance War Wyrm. With Patrick boosting and buffing, and Cody and I on the offensive, we quickly and precisely tore up the remains of the battle, finishing at a minimum of 5 MINUTES! I'd like to say a quick thank you to, Samantha, who helped us through the first flooor, Patrick, and Cody for helping me through the Pyromancer's Tomb! (More pictures will be posted along with the names of the Wizards in the comment area, if possible)
-Chase WillowWeaver
Monday, November 30, 2009
MarleyBone Mansions, Reaching a Chessy Hand to the Sky
Last night, I teleported to my buddy, Patrick BearHammer, and found myself literally floating in the sky. The owner of this fantastic MarleyBone Mansion, went above and beyond when they defied physics and built a ChessBoard Bridge, decending from the front steps, into the deep depths of the midnight blue sky. This is yet another reason why I like the game, Wizard 101. Unlike real life, in Wizard 101 you can build bridges that defy physics, with the simple muttering of a few magical chants. This awe-inspiring house used over 15 Chessboards to build a bridge, from the garden house, all the way to the end of the property. Unfortunately, I am once again unable to name the owner of this house, but I praise the owner, and am sorry I did not catch the name of the realtor. Great Castle!
-Chase WillowWeaver
Last night, I teleported to my buddy, Patrick BearHammer, and found myself literally floating in the sky. The owner of this fantastic MarleyBone Mansion, went above and beyond when they defied physics and built a ChessBoard Bridge, decending from the front steps, into the deep depths of the midnight blue sky. This is yet another reason why I like the game, Wizard 101. Unlike real life, in Wizard 101 you can build bridges that defy physics, with the simple muttering of a few magical chants. This awe-inspiring house used over 15 Chessboards to build a bridge, from the garden house, all the way to the end of the property. Unfortunately, I am once again unable to name the owner of this house, but I praise the owner, and am sorry I did not catch the name of the realtor. Great Castle!
-Chase WillowWeaver
Squaring Off In the Depths of Grizzleheim!
**Jabs* *Misses* *Jams finger* *Gives up fight*
The other day, while cruising around on my new Royal Lioness mount, I randomly teleported to Grizzleheim, otherwise known as GH. All worlds in the Spiral have a minigames area, where you may regain lost mana. Each world has a unique "fairgrounds", and Grizzleheim has one of the most interesting. In the very middle of the GH Fairgrounds, 2 very angry bears, both in twinkling black armor, began to have a fist fight, but instead of fists, they fought with swords, and shields. Since it was close to Thanksgiving, I wanted to be thankful, and I attempted to break the gory battle up. Unfortunately, I was obliged to stay away when one of the bears began to turn his explosive wrath on me. Luckily, my Baby Royal Lioness and I escaped unharmed, but how the losing bear left, is yet to be unknown. Let this be a lesson to all of you mean MarleyBone Rat Gangs and such: BE THANKFUL, AND DON'T FIGHT UNLESS YOU ARE USING SELF DEFENSE!
A frightened JR. Blogger/A frightened Chase WillowWeaver
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A Wizard101 World ?
Following up on my previous post about being thankful for the things that come our way. Here is a picture I took this morning. I was unhappy that I woke up early on a Saturday morning. I wanted to sleep late. Instead of rolling over and being angry I got up and walked to the patio and looked out. WOW it was like looking into one of JR Bloggers Wizard101 levels. At first a strange light started to emerge from the darkness, then as it got brighter and brighter birds began to appear, some big fish rolled around in the water and the clouds began to glow. Was I in Wizards101 or what? In 10 or 15 minutes a huge orange glob began rising out of the sea. It was the sun announcing the start of another day. In one short moment the entire horizon went from total black to bright orange. Then yellow and pink colors streaked across the sky like a jet plane leaving their contrails of white streaks. It was magical and wonderful. I am so thankful I did not roll over and go back to sleep but got up and checked out the day! I found the silver lining after thinking waking up so early on a Saturday morning was a dark cloud. But then again this is just My2Cents worth of thinking. Have a great day. SR Blogger.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!

It is that special time of year when we Americans spend some time thinking about the positives in our lives. (or we should !) Wouldn't it be nice if Thanksgiving Day was not one day in the year but many or every day of the year? I have been thinking about all the things I am thankful for...of course it includes JR Blogger and mom and my family and the list goes on and on and on and on. It is a much longer list than I expected. I am thankful for the morning light rays as the sun rises and am thankful for the same rays of light as the sun sets. I am thankful for having the opportunity for posting on a blog like this and I am thankful for those who read it and make comments. You know, it seems that it all comes down to having a positive attitude.
There are sayings I have heard and like and they seem to point towards having a positive attitude about life and people and events.
For example... Some see the glass as half empty and some see it as half full. Another saying I like is that there is always a silver lining in the darkest cloud. There are others but I think this gives you an idea that people have been thinking about having positive attitudes and being grateful for a long long time.
JR Blogger tells me after he wins a battle on Wizard101 how he is often helped by other friends and fellow Wizards. That's good. Helping others is a good thing. I know he is thankful when you help him defeat a challenger and move to a higher level. And even if the battle ends without victory JR is thankful for the assist.
I will end by saying I am thankful that for all of you taking the time to read this long (maybe boring) blog. I did try and work in some thanks about Wizards so give me, SR Blogger, a break :)
I really am thankful today, hope you are too but that's just MY2Cents ! Please comment with what you are thankful for if you like.
Grizzleheim Artisans, Artistic Masterpieces!
Happy Thanksgiving from us bloggers at My2cents!,
Yesterday morning, I was prowling around mounted on my Royal Lioness, when I came upon a fantastic piece of art in the heart Nidallivir. (Feel free to comment on my spelling) The picture is mounted upon a great brick wall, and pictures a mighty Dragon, and a determined Frost Giant, basically ripping each other apart, and supposedly are battling even before the very Spiral was created. I wonder what part of the Spiral's history Grizzleheim took part in . . .
-Chase WillowWeaver
Yesterday morning, I was prowling around mounted on my Royal Lioness, when I came upon a fantastic piece of art in the heart Nidallivir. (Feel free to comment on my spelling) The picture is mounted upon a great brick wall, and pictures a mighty Dragon, and a determined Frost Giant, basically ripping each other apart, and supposedly are battling even before the very Spiral was created. I wonder what part of the Spiral's history Grizzleheim took part in . . .
-Chase WillowWeaver
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Inspring Wizards Across the Spiral!
Ah, Dustin & David. The dynamic duo. The owners of the hit Blog, Wizard 101 Info. My virtual buddies on Wizard 101. More importantly, my blogging inspiration.
Dustin MoonCatcher, and David TitanRider, recently entered Wizard 101's top fansites page with their blog: Wizard 101 Info. I was a regular reader of their blog, and eventually found myself reading their blog whenever possible in my crowded life. One day, I was playing on my weaker Theurgist, Valerian WillowWeaver, when I found myself staring right into the deep brown eyes of Dustin MoonCatcher, the famed owner of Wizard 101 Info. "Dustin, are you THE Dustin from Wizard 101 Info?", I questioned. "That'd be me, Valerian," Dustin cooly replied. Losing my own cool, I jumped up and down not only on my virtual character, but in real life, also.
Perhaps some of my dynamics had rubbed off onto Dustin because, within the next 10 seconds, both Dustin and I were jumping for joy at the thought of meeting a famed blogger, Dustin, and the #1 fan, me. Dustin hurriedly added me to his buddy list and then he texted the Co. Owner of his blog, and cousin, David TitanRider. Dustin was so happy when I started screaming in glee and enjoyment because of David's presence. The very next day, Dustin himself wrote a 5 paragraph long post about meeting me and our 1 day adventures. One day, I asked Dustin and David if keeping a blog was quite difficult. Truthfully, they both answered that it wasn't exactly the toughest, nor easiest thing in the Spiral.
Hopes high, the next day I was SHOCKED to be informed by my father that the last year, he had started a blog of his own for fun, and had never really used it. My generous father gave half ownership of the blog to me, and half to himself, thus starting this new blog, My2Cents. All in all, I'd like to thank Dustin MoonCatcher, David TitanRider, and Daddy for helping me start this fun site for writing practice, and my favourite video game, Wizard 101. The picture above shows David, Dustin, and I posing for a picture in DragonSpyre. Be sure to visit David and Dustin's Blog, Wizard101info.wordpress.com!
Best regards,
Chase WillowWeaver/ JR. Blogger
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Another Pic of Awesome House!
Here's another pic of Awesome House. SOMEBODY PLEASE COMMENT! Mr. Sphinx here looks quite happy with his nose in the headlines of a blog, hehe! -JR. Blogger
ANOTHER Pic of Awesome House Times 2!
Here's yet ANOTHER pic of that Awesome House! Gosh, I really need to learn how to post numerous screen shots! Please comment with information if you know how! Thanks!
Awesome House, Times 2!
Just the other day ago, I was hanging out with a friend of mine, Cassandra RavenBlood. Cassandra, or Cass, as I like to call her, told me to teleport to a friend of her's house. Trying to be helpful, I opened up my Buddy List and teleported to the warm and tropical Desert Villa. Amazed, I found myself to be standing on a single Chessboard in the center of the sky! In a most recent post, I stated that some Wizards enjoy browsing fun castle "Bugs" in their spare time. This Wizard seemed to have spent ALL of their time on these "bugs". A true gateway to heaven, that chessboard mountain was. Also, the owner of the house seemed to have planted virtual trees all around the perimeter of a great fountain, therefore standing up into the next level. Also, pictured you see many levels of metal steps reaching into the sky, posing as great doorsteps. Unfortunately, it STILL is beyond my blogging knowledge on how to post numerous screen shots in a single post. Once again, if you know how to post screen shots, PLEASE COMMENT HOW TO DO IT ASAP! Thanks a million! Nice house if you are watching Mr. Owner!
-JR. Blogger/ Chase WillowWeaver
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